Waterfront Pier Services

Accurate Marine Environmental, a Titan company, is located on the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, adjacent to the Naval Sea Systems Command Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility in Portsmouth VA (Approximate 36º48′02.03″ latitude, 76º17′46.99″ longitude). This property provides us with significant deep-water access, our own pier and slip-way capable of accommodating very large barges and ships.

The Accurate Marine Terminal (AMT) operates on a 4.5 acre waterfront site with resources to perform bilge pumping and tank cleaning, marine transfers, oily water and sewage removal, and on -site disposal at our new state-of-the-art, award-winning wastewater treatment facility. AME is also capable of accommodating small emergent shipyard repair services through partnerships with other repair firms in the Port.

Accurate Marine Terminal, a Titan company, is a restricted facility surrounded by a perimeter security fence and video surveillance that monitor the terminal 24/7. Security personnel can be provided when strict security regulations are in effect. Vessels arriving at our facility will be required to complete a Declaration of Security (DOS).

Our pier is 350 feet long with a mean draft of 16 feet and a maximum draft of 25 feet. The following services are available:

  • Electrical Service: 480 VAC, 800 AMP Service
  • Compressed air: 100 psi
  • Tank Cleaning Services: AME performs marine tank cleaning on all barge and shipboard associated tanks. Diesel, Jet, Gasoline, Heavy Fuels, lube oils, ballast and fresh water tanks for example. AME performs Hot and Cold Water Butterworthing (Machine cleaning) when requested.
  • Contaminated bilge water and tank wash-water removal: AME is a U.S. Coast Guard permitted Fixed Transfer Facility that pumps these wastestreams to shore tanks for treatment and disposal at our on-site wastewater treatment facility.
  • Sewage Disposal: AME is permitted by the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) for receipt of non-contaminated raw sewage via tanker/trailer for delivery into their receiving facility. All oil contaminated sewage will be transported off-site to an approved treatment facility.
  • Fresh Water Service: City water service at 60psi.
  • Fuel Service: All petroleum products i.e.: diesel, lube oil, and gasoline are available and can be provided by local distributors.
  • Housekeeping / Janitorial Service: AME provides cleaning of decks, carpeted areas, toilets, bulkheads and overheads, galley, pantry, scullery, and other food preparation areas, and all areas of habitability.



Accurate Marine Environmental, Inc.

3965 Burtons Point Road

Portsmouth, VA 23704

Phone: (757) 393-5840

Fax: (757) 393-5845

Email: [email protected]

TERMINAL: Offices and waterfront facility are strategically located at 3965 Burtons Point Road, Portsmouth, Virginia. This allows us to quickly respond to and service our customer’s needs in the Port of Hampton Roads. Our newly renovated 350’+ pier is easily accessible for barges and other vessels to dock at our site for cleaning and gas freeing services.